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- 1st Level Bard Spells
- 1st Level Cleric Spells
- 1st Level Druid Spells
- 1st Level Paladin Spells
- 1st Level Ranger Spells
- 1st Level Sorcerer Spells
- 1st Level Spell
- 1st Level Warlock Spells
- 1st Level Wizard Spells
- 2nd Level Bard Spells
- 2nd Level Cleric Spells
- 2nd Level Druid Spells
- 2nd Level Paladin Spells
- 2nd Level Ranger Spells
- 2nd Level Sorcerer Spells
- 2nd Level Spell
- 2nd Level Warlock Spells
- 2nd Level Wizard Spells
- 3rd Level Bard Spells
- 3rd Level Cleric Spells
- 3rd Level Druid Spells
- 3rd Level Paladin Spells
- 3rd Level Ranger Spells
- 3rd Level Sorcerer Spells
- 3rd Level Spell
- 3rd Level Warlock Spells
- 3rd Level Wizard Spells
- 4th Level Bard Spells
- 4th Level Cleric Spells
- 4th Level Druid Spells
- 4th Level Paladin Spells
- 4th Level Ranger Spells
- 4th Level Sorcerer Spells
- 4th Level Spell
- 4th Level Warlock Spells
- 4th Level Wizard Spells
- 5th Level Bard Spells
- 5th Level Cleric Spells
- 5th Level Druid Spells
- 5th Level Paladin Spells
- 5th Level Ranger Spells
- 5th Level Sorcerer Spells
- 5th Level Spell
- 5th Level Warlock Spells
- 5th Level Wizard Spells
- 6th Level Bard Spells
- 6th Level Cleric Spells
- 6th Level Druid Spells
- 6th Level Sorcerer Spells
- 6th Level Spell
- 6th Level Warlock Spells
- 6th Level Wizard Spells
- 7th Level Bard Spells
- 7th Level Cleric Spells
- 7th Level Druid Spells
- 7th Level Sorcerer Spells
- 7th Level Spell
- 7th Level Warlock Spells
- 7th Level Wizard Spells
- 8th Level Bard Spells
- 8th Level Cleric Spells
- 8th Level Druid Spells
- 8th Level Sorcerer Spells
- 8th Level Spell
- 8th Level Warlock Spells
- 8th Level Wizard Spells
- 9th Level Bard Spells
- 9th Level Cleric Spells
- 9th Level Druid Spells
- 9th Level Sorcerer Spells
- 9th Level Spell
- 9th Level Warlock Spells
- 9th Level Wizard Spells
- Aberration
- Aboleth
- Aboleth Lair Action
- Aboleth Regional Effect
- About Spellbooks
- ac.gif
- Acid Arrow
- Acid Splash
- Acolyte
- Acolyte Bond
- Acolyte Flaw
- Acolyte Ideal
- Acolyte Trait
- Acolyte, Monster
- Action Surge
- Action Surge 17th
- Adamantine Armor
- Add Stuff Here
- Additional Fighting Style
- Additional Magical Secrets
- Adult Black Dragon
- Adult Blue Dragon
- Adult Brass Dragon
- Adult Bronze Dragon
- Adult Copper Dragon
- Adult Gold Dragon
- Adult Green Dragon
- Adult Red Dragon
- Adult Silver Dragon
- Adult White Dragon
- AdvancedSearch
- Adventure
- Adventurers League
- Agonizing Blast
- Aid
- Air Elemental
- al.gif
- Alarm
- Alchemist's Supplies
- Alter Self
- Ammunition
- Ammunition, +1
- Ammunition, +2
- Ammunition, +3
- Ammunition, Magic Item
- Amulet of Health
- Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location
- Amulet of the Planes
- Ancient Black Dragon
- Ancient Blue Dragon
- Ancient Brass Dragon
- Ancient Bronze Dragon
- Ancient Copper Dragon
- Ancient Gold Dragon
- Ancient Green Dragon
- Ancient Red Dragon
- Ancient Silver Dragon
- Ancient White Dragon
- Androsphinx
- Animal Friendship
- Animal Messenger
- Animal Shapes
- Animate Dead
- Animate Objects
- Animate Objects Table
- Animated Armor
- Animated Shield
- Ankheg
- Antilife Shell
- Antimagic Field
- Antipathy/Sympathy
- Ape
- Apparatus of the Crab
- Apparatus of the Crab Levers
- Arcane Eye
- Arcane Hand
- Arcane Lock
- Arcane Recovery
- Arcane Sword
- Arcane Tradition
- Arcane Tradition 10th
- Arcane Tradition 14th
- Arcane Tradition 6th
- Arcanist's Magic Aura
- Archdruid
- Archery
- Archmage
- Arctic Circle Spells
- Armor
- Armor of Invulnerability
- Armor of Resistance
- Armor of Shadows
- Armor of Vulnerability
- Armor, +1
- Armor, +2
- Armor, +3
- Armor, Magic Item
- Artificer’s Lore
- Ascendant Step
- Aspect of the Moon
- Assassin, Monster
- Assassin's Blood
- Astral Projection
- Attack
- Attack Cantrips
- attunement.svg
- Augury
- Aura Improvements
- Aura of Courage
- Aura of Devotion
- Aura of Protection
- Average Class Hitpoints Table
- Awaken
- Awakened Shrub
- Awakened Tree
- Axe Beak
- Azer
- Baboon
- Background
- BackgroundEditTemplate
- BackgroundViewTemplate
- Badger
- Bag of Beans
- Bag of Devouring
- Bag of Tricks
- Bag of Tricks, Gray
- Bag of Tricks, Rust
- Bag of Tricks, Tan
- Balor
- Bandit
- Bandit Captain
- Bane
- Banishment
- Barbarian
- Barbarian Ability Score Improvement
- Barbarian Ability Score Improvement 12th
- Barbarian Ability Score Improvement 16th
- Barbarian Ability Score Improvement 19th
- Barbarian Ability Score Improvement 8th
- Barbarian Extra Attack
- Barbarian Unarmored Defense
- barbarian.gif
- BarbarianAdvancementTemplate
- Barbed Devil
- Bard
- Bard Ability Score Improvement
- Bard Ability Score Improvement 12th
- Bard Ability Score Improvement 16th
- Bard Ability Score Improvement 19th
- Bard Ability Score Improvement 8th
- Bard Cantrips
- Bard College
- Bard College 14th
- Bard College 6th
- Bard Expertise
- Bard Spellcasting
- Bard Spells
- Bard, Monster
- bard.gif
- BardAdvancementTemplate
- Bardic Inspiration
- Bardic Inspiration 10th
- Bardic Inspiration 15th
- Bardic Inspiration 5th
- Barkskin
- Basic Macros
- Basilisk
- Bat
- Beacon of Hope
- Bead of Force
- Bearded Devil
- Beast
- Beast Speech
- Beast Spells
- Beguiling Influence
- Behir
- Bell of the Silent Carols
- Belt of Cloud Giant Strength
- Belt of Dwarvenkind
- Belt of Fire Giant Strength
- Belt of Frost Giant Strength
- Belt of Giant Strength
- Belt of Hill Giant Strength
- Belt of Stone Giant Strength
- Belt of Storm Giant Strength
- Berserker
- Berserker Axe
- Bestow Curse
- Bewitching Whispers
- Black Bear
- Black Dragon Lair Action
- Black Dragon Regional Effect
- Black Dragon Wyrmling
- Black Pudding
- Black Tentacles
- Blade Barrier
- Bless
- Blessed Healer
- Blessed Strikes
- Blessing
- Blight
- Blinded
- Blindness/Deafness
- Blindsense
- Blindsight
- Blink
- Blink Dog
- Blood Hawk
- Blue Dragon Lair Action
- Blue Dragon Regional Effect
- Blue Dragon Wyrmling
- Blur
- Boar
- Bone Devil
- Book of Ancient Secrets
- book.gif
- bookmark.gif
- Boots of Elvenkind
- Boots of Levitation
- Boots of Speed
- Boots of Striding and Springing
- Boots of the Winterlands
- Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals
- Bracers of Archery
- Bracers of Defense
- Branding Smite
- Brass Dragon Lair Action
- Brass Dragon Regional Effect
- Brass Dragon Wyrmling
- Brave
- Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals
- Breath Weapon
- Brewer's Supplies
- Bronze Dragon Lair Action
- Bronze Dragon Regional Effect
- Bronze Dragon Wyrmling
- Brooch of Shielding
- Broom of Flying
- Brown Bear
- Brutal Critical
- Brutal Critical 13th
- Brutal Critical 17th
- Bugbear
- Bulette
- Burgler's Pack
- Burning Hands
- Burnt Othur Fumes
- Burrowing
- Cackle Fever
- Call Lightning
- Calligraphy Supplies
- Calm Emotions
- Camel
- Candle of Invocation
- Cantrip
- Cape of the Mountebank
- Careful Spell
- Carpenter's Tools
- Carpet of Flying
- Carrying
- Cartographer's Tools
- cassalanter-villa-dm.jpg
- cassalanter-villa-player.jpg
- Cat
- Categorization Macro
- Cave Bear
- Cave Bear, Variant
- Celestial
- Censer of Controlling Air Elementals
- Centaur
- Chain Devil
- Chain Lightning
- Chains of Carceri
- Champion
- Channel Divinity
- Channel Divinity 18th
- Channel Divinity 6th
- Character
- Character Creation
- Character Sheet Macros
- CharacterEditTemplate
- Charm
- Charm Person
- Charmed
- Chill Touch
- Chime of Opening
- Chimera
- Chuul
- Circle of Death
- Circle of the Land
- Circle of the Land Bonus Cantrip
- Circle Spells
- Circlet of Blasting
- Clairvoyance
- Class
- ClassAbilityTemplate
- Clay Golem
- Cleansing Touch
- Cleric
- Cleric Ability Score Improvement
- Cleric Ability Score Improvement 12th
- Cleric Ability Score Improvement 16th
- Cleric Ability Score Improvement 19th
- Cleric Ability Score Improvement 8th
- Cleric Cantrips
- Cleric Spellcasting
- Cleric Spells
- cleric.gif
- ClericAdvancementTemplate
- Climbing
- Climbing, Swimming and Crawling
- Cloak of Arachnida
- Cloak of Displacement
- Cloak of Elvenkind
- Cloak of Flies
- Cloak of Protection
- Cloak of the Bat
- Cloak of the Manta Ray
- Cloaker
- Clone
- Cloud Giant
- Cloudkill
- Coast Circle Spells
- Cobbler's Tools
- Cockatrice
- Collapsing Roof
- College of Lore
- Color Spray
- Combat
- Combat Action
- Command
- Commoner
- Commune
- Commune with Nature
- Comprehend Languages
- Compulsion
- Concentration Spells
- Condition
- ConditionMenu
- Cone of Cold
- Config
- Confusion
- Conjure Animals
- Conjure Animals Table
- Conjure Celestial
- Conjure Celestial Table
- Conjure Elemental
- Conjure Fey
- Conjure Fey Table
- Conjure Minor Elementals
- Conjure Woodland Beings
- Constrictor Snake
- Construct
- Contact Other Plane
- Contact Poison
- Contagion
- Contingency
- Continual Flame
- Control Water
- Control Weather
- Cook's Utensils
- Copper Dragon Lair Action
- Copper Dragon Regional Effect
- Copper Dragon Wyrmling
- Core Macro
- Couatl
- Countercharm
- Counterspell
- Cover
- Crab
- Crawler Mucus
- Create Food and Water
- Create or Destroy Water
- Create Undead
- Creation
- Crocodile
- Crystal Ball
- Crystal Ball of Mind Reading
- Crystal Ball of Telepathy
- Crystal Ball of True Seeing
- Cube of Force
- Cubic Gate
- Cult Fanatic
- Cultist
- Cunning Action
- Cure Wounds
- Cutting Words
- D&D Macros
- D&D Stylesheet
- Dagger of Venom
- Damage Resistance, Dragonborn
- Damage Severity Table
- Dancing Lights
- Dancing Sword
- Danger Sense
- Daphnaie Armor (Hide)
- Dark One’s Blessing
- Dark One’s Own Luck
- Darkmantle
- Darkness
- Darkthorn Arrows (5)
- Darkvision
- Darkvision, Sight
- Daylight
- ddb.gif
- Deafened
- Death Dog
- Death Ward
- Decanter of Endless Water
- Deck of Illusions
- Deck of Many Things
- Deep Gnome (Svirneblin)
- Deer
- Defender
- Defense
- Defensive Tactics
- Deflect Missiles
- Delayed Blast Fireball
- Demiplane
- Demon Armor
- Desert Circle Spells
- Destroy Undead
- Destroy Undead 11th
- Destroy Undead 14th
- Destroy Undead 17th
- Destroy Undead 8th
- Detect Evil and Good
- Detect Magic
- Detect Poison and Disease
- Detect Thoughts
- Deva
- Devil’s Sight
- Diamond Soul
- Difficult Terrain
- Dimension Door
- Dimensional Shackles
- Diplomat's Pack
- Dire Wolf
- Disciple of Life
- Disease
- Diseased Giant Rats, Variant
- Disguise Kit
- Disguise Self
- Disintegrate
- Dispel Evil and Good
- Dispel Magic
- Distant Spell
- divider.png
- Divination
- Divine Domain
- Divine Domain 17th
- Divine Domain 6th
- Divine Domain 8th
- Divine Favor
- Divine Health
- Divine Intervention
- Divine Intervention 20th
- Divine Sense
- Divine Smite
- Divine Word
- Djinni
- DM Reference
- DM Tool
- dm.gif
- DnD
- dnd-icon-font.css
- dnd-icon.css
- dnd.gif
- dnd.range.js
- Dominate Beast
- Dominate Monster
- Dominate Person
- Doppelganger
- Download
- Draconic Ancestry
- Draconic Ancestry Table
- Draconic Bloodline
- Draconic Presence
- Draconic Resilience
- Draft Horse
- Dragon
- Dragon Ancestor
- Dragon Scale Mail
- Dragon Slayer
- Dragon Turtle
- Dragon Wings
- Dragonborn
- Dreadful Word
- Dream
- Dretch
- Drider
- Drow
- Drow Poison
- Druid
- Druid Ability Score Improvement
- Druid Ability Score Improvement 12th
- Druid Ability Score Improvement 16th
- Druid Ability Score Improvement 8th
- Druid Cantrips
- Druid Circle
- Druid Circle 10th
- Druid Circle 14th
- Druid Circle 6th
- Druid Spellcasting
- Druid Spells
- Druid, Monster
- druid.gif
- DruidAdvancementTemplate
- Druidcraft
- Druidic
- Dryad
- Dueling
- Duergar, Monster
- Dungeon Master
- Dungeoneer's Pack
- Dust Mephit
- Dust of Disappearance
- Dust of Dryness
- Dust of Sneezing and Choking
- Dwarf
- Dwarven Combat Training
- Dwarven Plate
- Dwarven Resilience
- Dwarven Thrower
- Dwarven Toughness
- Eagle
- Earth Elemental
- Earthquake
- eberron.gif
- Efficient Quiver
- Efreeti
- Efreeti Bottle
- Eldritch Blast
- Eldritch Invocation
- Eldritch Invocation 12th
- Eldritch Invocation 15th
- Eldritch Invocation 5th
- Eldritch Invocation 7th
- Eldritch Invocation 9th
- Eldritch Invocation Eldritch Blast
- Eldritch Invocation Hex
- Eldritch Invocation None
- Eldritch Invocation Pact of the Blade
- Eldritch Invocation Pact of the Chain
- Eldritch Invocation Pact of the Tome
- Eldritch Master
- Eldritch Mind
- Eldritch Sight
- Eldritch Smite
- Eldritch Spear
- Elemental
- Elemental Affinity
- Elemental Gem
- Elemental Gem, Blue Sapphire
- Elemental Gem, Emerald
- Elemental Gem, Red Corundum
- Elemental Gem, Yellow Diamond
- Elephant
- Elf
- Elf Weapon Training
- Elk
- Elusive
- Elven Chain
- Empowered Evocation
- Empowered Spell
- Empty Body
- Encounter
- Enhance Ability
- Enlarge/Reduce
- Entangle
- Entertainer's Pack
- Enthrall
- Entity
- Environment
- Equipment
- Equipment Pack
- Erinyes
- Essence of Ether
- Etherealness
- Ettercap
- Ettin
- Event Award
- Eversmoking Bottle
- Evocation Savant
- Exhaustion
- Expeditious Retreat
- Explorer's Pack
- Extended Spell
- External Image
- Extra Language, High Elf
- Eyebite
- Eyes of Charming
- Eyes of Minute Seeing
- Eyes of the Eagle
- Eyes of the Rune Keeper
- Fabricate
- Faerie Dragon’s Favor
- Faerie Fire
- Fairy Mushroom Ring
- Faithful Hound
- Falling
- Falling Net
- False Life
- Far Scribe
- Fast Hands
- Fast Movement
- Favored Enemy
- Fear
- Feat
- Feather Fall
- Feather Token
- Feather Token, Anchor
- Feather Token, Bird
- Feather Token, Fan
- Feather Token, Swan Boat
- Feather Token, Tree
- Feather Token, Whip
- Feeblemind
- Feral Instinct
- Feral Senses
- Fey
- Fey Ancestry
- fg.gif
- Fiend
- Fiend Expanded Spell List
- Fiend Patron
- Fiendish Resilience
- Fiendish Vigor
- Fighter
- Fighter Ability Score Improvement
- Fighter Ability Score Improvement 12th
- Fighter Ability Score Improvement 14th
- Fighter Ability Score Improvement 16th
- Fighter Ability Score Improvement 19th
- Fighter Ability Score Improvement 6th
- Fighter Ability Score Improvement 8th
- Fighter Extra Attack
- Fighter Extra Attack 11th
- Fighter Extra Attack 20th
- Fighter Fighting Style
- fighter.gif
- FighterAdvancementTemplate
- Figurine of Wondrous Power
- Figurine of Wondrous Power, Bronze Griffon
- Figurine of Wondrous Power, Ebony Fly
- Figurine of Wondrous Power, Golden Lions
- Figurine of Wondrous Power, Ivory Goats
- Figurine of Wondrous Power, Marble Elephant
- Figurine of Wondrous Power, Obsidian Steed
- Figurine of Wondrous Power, Onyx Dog
- Figurine of Wondrous Power, Serpentine Owl
- Figurine of Wondrous Power, Silver Raven
- Find Familiar
- Find Steed
- Find the Path
- Find Traps
- Finesse
- Finger of Death
- Fire Bolt
- Fire Elemental
- Fire Giant
- Fire Shield
- Fire Storm
- Fire-Breathing Statue
- Fireball
- Flame Blade
- Flame Strike
- Flame Tongue
- Flaming Sphere
- Flesh Golem
- Flesh to Stone
- Floating Disk
- Flurry of Blows
- Fly
- Flying
- Flying Snake
- Flying Sword
- Foe Slayer
- Fog Cloud
- Fold Macro
- Folding Boat
- Font of Inspiration
- Font of Magic
- Forbiddance
- Forcecage
- Foresight
- Forest Circle Spells
- Forgery Kit
- frame-ornate.svg
- Freedom of Movement
- Freezing Sphere
- Frenzy
- Frightened
- Frog
- Frost Brand
- Frost Giant
- Gaming Set
- Gargoyle
- Gaseous Form
- Gate
- Gauntlets of Ogre Power
- Gaze of Two Minds
- Geas
- Gelatinous Cube
- Gem of Brightness
- Gem of Seeing
- Gentle Repose
- Ghast
- Ghost
- Ghostly Gaze
- Ghoul
- Giant
- Giant Ape
- Giant Badger
- Giant Bat
- Giant Boar
- Giant Centipede
- Giant Constrictor Snake
- Giant Crab
- Giant Crocodile
- Giant Eagle
- Giant Elk
- Giant Fire Beetle
- Giant Frog
- Giant Goat
- Giant Hyena
- Giant Insect
- Giant Lizard
- Giant Lizard, Variant
- Giant Octopus
- Giant Owl
- Giant Poisonous Snake
- Giant Rat
- Giant Scorpion
- Giant Sea Horse
- Giant Shark
- Giant Slayer
- Giant Spider
- Giant Toad
- Giant Vulture
- Giant Wasp
- Giant Weasel
- Giant Wolf Spider
- Gibbering Mouther
- Gift of the Depths
- Gift of the Ever-Living Ones
- Gift of the Protectors
- Glabrezu
- Gladiator, Monster
- Glamoured Studded Leather
- Glassblower's Tools
- Glibness
- Globe of Invulnerability
- Gloves of Missile Snaring
- Gloves of Swimming and Climbing
- Glyph of Warding
- Gnoll
- Gnome
- Gnome Cunning
- Goat
- Goblin
- Goggles of Night
- Gold Dragon Lair Action
- Gold Dragon Regional Effect
- Gold Dragon Wyrmling
- Goodberry
- Gorgon
- Grappled
- Grappler
- Grappling
- Grasp of Hadar
- Grassland Circle Spells
- Gray Ooze
- Grease
- Great Weapon Fighting
- Greater Invisibility
- Greater Restoration
- Green Dragon Lair Action
- Green Dragon Regional Effect
- Green Dragon Wyrmling
- Green Hag
- Grick
- Griffon
- Grig Fiddle
- Grimlock
- Guard
- Guardian Naga
- Guardian of Faith
- Guards and Wards
- Guidance
- Guiding Bolt
- Gust of Wind
- Gynosphinx
- Hag's Clawblade
- Half Cover
- Half-Elf
- Half-Orc
- Halfling
- Halfling Nimbleness
- Hallow
- Hallucinatory Terrain
- Hammer of Thunderbolts
- Handy Haversack
- Harengon's Freedom
- Harm
- Harpy
- hash.js
- Haste
- Hat of Disguise
- Hawk
- Headband of Intellect
- Heal
- Healing Word
- Heat Metal
- Heavily Obscured
- Heavy
- Hell Hound
- Hellish Rebuke
- Hellish Resistance
- Helm of Brilliance
- Helm of Comprehend Languages
- Helm of Telepathy
- Helm of Teleportation
- Herbalism Kit
- Heroes' Feast
- Heroism
- Hezrou
- Hidden Pit
- Hide in Plain Sight
- Hideous Laughter
- Hiding
- High Elf
- High Elf Cantrip
- High Elf Wizard
- High Elf Wizard 1st
- High Elf Wizard Actions
- High Elf Wizard Background
- High Elf Wizard Backstory
- High Elf Wizard Bio
- High Elf Wizard Cantrip
- High Elf Wizard Combat
- High Elf Wizard Equipment
- High Elf Wizard Equipped
- High Elf Wizard Features
- High Elf Wizard Skill
- High Elf Wizard Spellbook
- High Elf Wizard Stats
- High Elf Wizard Stats Text
- Hill Dwarf
- Hill Giant
- Hippogriff
- Hobgoblin
- Hold Monster
- Hold Person
- Holy Aura
- Holy Avenger
- Holy Nimbus
- Homebrew
- Homebrew Adventure
- Homebrew Image
- Homebrew Item
- Homebrew Location
- Homebrew Map
- Homebrew Monster
- Homebrew Organization
- Homebrew Person
- Homunculus
- Horn of Blasting
- Horn of Valhalla
- Horn of Valhalla, Brass
- Horn of Valhalla, Bronze
- Horn of Valhalla, Iron
- Horn of Valhalla, Silver
- Horned Devil
- Horseshoes of a Zephyr
- Horseshoes of Speed
- Huge Animated Objects
- Human
- Human Fighter
- Human Fighter Attacks
- Human Fighter Backstory
- Human Fighter Bio
- Human Fighter Bonus Actions
- Human Fighter Combat
- Human Fighter Equipment
- Human Fighter Equipped
- Human Fighter Reactions
- Human Fighter Skills
- Human Fighter Stats
- Human Fighter Stats Text
- Humanoid
- Hunter
- Hunter Shark
- Hunter's Mark
- Hunter’s Prey
- Hurl Through Hell
- Hydra
- Hyena
- Hypnotic Pattern
- Ice Devil
- Ice Mephit
- Ice Storm
- IconLinkTemplate
- Identify
- Illusory Script
- Image
- Immovable Rod
- Imp
- Imprisonment
- Improved Critical
- Improved Divine Smite
- Improved Pact Weapon
- Incapacitated
- Incendiary Cloud
- Indefinite Madness
- IndexViewTemplate
- Indomitable
- Indomitable 13th
- Indomitable 17th
- Indomitable Might
- Infernal Legacy
- Inflict Wounds
- Ingested Poison
- Inhaled Poison
- Injury Poison
- Insect Plague
- Insect Swarms, Variant
- Instant Fortress
- Instant Summons
- Internal Image
- Intimidating Presence
- Investment of the Chain Master
- Invisibility
- Invisible
- Invisible Stalker
- Ioun Stone
- Ioun Stone of Absorption
- Ioun Stone of Agility
- Ioun Stone of Awareness
- Ioun Stone of Fortitude
- Ioun Stone of Greater Absorption
- Ioun Stone of Insight
- Ioun Stone of Intellect
- Ioun Stone of Leadership
- Ioun Stone of Mastery
- Ioun Stone of Protection
- Ioun Stone of Regeneration
- Ioun Stone of Reserve
- Ioun Stone of Strength
- Ioun Stone of Sustenance
- Ioun Stone of Vitality
- Iron Bands of Bilarro
- Iron Flask
- Iron Golem
- Irresistible Dance
- Item
- ItemEditTemplate
- ItemViewTemplate
- Jack of All Trades
- Jackal
- Javascript
- Javelin of Lightning
- Jeweler's Tools
- Jump
- Jumping
- Keen Senses
- Ki
- Ki Category
- Ki-Empowered Strikes
- Killer Whale
- Knight, Monster
- Knock
- Kobold
- Kraken
- Kraken Lair Action
- Kraken Regional Effect
- Label
- LabelItem
- Lamia
- Lance of Lethargy
- Land’s Stride
- Lantern of Revealing
- Large Animated Objects
- Lathai's Saddle
- Lay on Hands
- Leatherworker's Tools
- Legend Lore
- Lemure
- Lesser Restoration
- Levitate
- Lich
- Lich Lair Action
- Life Domain
- Life Domain Bonus Proficiency
- Life Domain Divine Strike
- Life Domain Divine Strike 14th
- Life Domain Spells
- Lifedrinker
- Light
- Light Property
- Light Source
- Light, Bright
- Light, Darkness
- Light, Dim
- Lightfoot Halfling
- Lightly Obscured
- Lightning Bolt
- Link
- Lion
- Lizard
- Lizardfolk, Monster
- Loading
- Loathsome Limbs, Variant
- loc.gif
- Locate Animals or Plants
- Locate Creature
- Locate Object
- Location
- Locking Pit
- LogoTemplate
- Long Rest
- Long-Term Madness
- Longstrider
- loot.gif
- Lore Bonus Proficiencies
- Luck Blade
- Lucky, Halfling
- Lycanthropy
- Mace of Disruption
- Mace of Smiting
- Mace of Terror
- Macro
- Maddening Hex
- Madness
- Mage
- Mage Armor
- Mage Hand
- Magic Armor List
- Magic Circle
- Magic Item
- Magic Item List
- Magic Jar
- Magic Missile
- Magic Mouth
- Magic Potion List
- Magic Rod List
- Magic Staff List
- Magic Wand List
- Magic Weapon
- Magic Weapon List
- Magical Secrets
- Magical Secrets 14th
- Magical Secrets 18th
- Magma Mephit
- Magmin
- Magnificent Mansion
- MainPage
- Major Image
- Malice
- Mammoth
- Manticore
- Mantle of Spell Resistance
- Manual of Bodily Health
- Manual of Gainful Exercise
- Manual of Golems
- Manual of Quickness of Action
- Marilith
- Mariner's Armor, Scale Mail
- MarkMacro
- MarksConfig
- MarkStylesheet
- Martial Archetype
- Martial Archetype 10th
- Martial Archetype 15th
- Martial Archetype 18th
- Martial Archetype 7th
- Martial Arts
- Marvelous Pigments
- Mask of Many Faces
- Mason's Tools
- Mass Cure Wounds
- Mass Heal
- Mass Healing Word
- Mass Suggestion
- Master of Myriad Forms
- Mastiff
- Maze
- Medallion of Thoughts
- Medium Animated Objects
- Medusa
- Meld into Stone
- Menacing
- Mending
- Merfolk
- Merrow
- Message
- Metamagic
- Metamagic 10th
- Metamagic 17th
- Meteor Swarm
- Midnight Tears
- Military Rank
- Mimic
- Mind Blank
- Mindless Rage
- Minions of Chaos
- Minor Illusion
- Minotaur
- Minotaur Skeleton
- Mirage Arcane
- Mire the Mind
- Mirror Image
- Mirror of Life Trapping
- Mislead
- Mist Hunters
- Mist Hunters Dark Gifts
- Mist Hunters Domain of Dread
- Mist Hunters Guided Character Creation
- Mist Hunters Introduction
- Mist Hunters Solo Character Creation
- Mist Hunters Standard Array
- Mist Hunters Tarokka Deck
- Misty Step
- Misty Visions
- Mithral Armor
- Modifiers
- Modify Memory
- Monastic Tradition
- Monastic Tradition 11th
- Monastic Tradition 17th
- Monastic Tradition 6th
- Monk
- Monk Ability Score Improvement
- Monk Ability Score Improvement 12th
- Monk Ability Score Improvement 16th
- Monk Ability Score Improvement 19th
- Monk Ability Score Improvement 8th
- Monk Evasion
- Monk Extra Attack
- Monk Ki
- Monk Timeless Body
- monk.gif
- MonkAdvancementTemplate
- Monster
- Monster Macros
- monster.gif
- MonsterEditTemplate
- MonsterTabTemplate
- MonsterViewTemplate
- Monstrosity
- Moonbeam
- Mountain Circle Spells
- Move Earth
- Movement
- Movement Type
- Mule
- Multiattack
- Mummy
- Mummy Lord
- Musical Instrument
- Mystic Arcanum (6th level)
- Mystic Arcanum (7th level)
- Mystic Arcanum (8th level)
- Mystic Arcanum (9th level)
- Naerth's Planar Compass
- Nalfeshnee
- Natural Explorer
- Natural Recovery
- Naturally Stealthy
- Nature’s Sanctuary
- Nature’s Ward
- Navigator's Tools
- Necklace of Adaptation
- Necklace of Fireballs
- Necklace of Prayer Beads
- Nereid Shawl
- Night Hag
- Nightmare
- Nine Lives Stealer
- Noble
- Noble, Monster
- Nondetection
- Note
- notes.gif
- Oath of Devotion
- Oath of Devotion Oath Spells
- Oath Spells
- Oathbow
- Object
- Obscurement
- Ochre Jelly
- Octopus
- Ogre
- Ogre Zombie
- Oil of Etherealness
- Oil of Sharpness
- Oil of Slipperiness
- Oil of Taggit
- One with Shadows
- Oni
- Ooze
- Open Hand Technique
- open.svg
- Opportunity Attack
- Oracle of War
- Orc
- org.gif
- Organization
- Ornate Macros
- Ornate Stylesheet
- ornate-border.svg
- ornate-heart.svg
- ornate-inspiration.svg
- ornate-number.js
- ornate-proficiency.svg
- ornate-rect.svg
- ornate-save.svg
- ornate-shield.svg
- ornate-square.svg
- ornate-stat.svg
- ornate-token.svg
- OrnateCharacter
- OrnateCharacterBio
- OrnateCharacterCombat
- OrnateCharacterSkills
- OrnateCharacterStats
- OrnateFrame
- Otherworldly Leap
- Otherworldly Patron
- Otherworldly Patron 10th
- Otherworldly Patron 14th
- Otherworldly Patron 6th
- Otyugh
- Overchannel
- Owl
- Owlbear
- P2Template
- P3Template
- Pact Boon
- Pact Magic
- Pact of the Blade
- Pact of the Chain
- Pact of the Tome
- Painter's Supplies
- Paladin
- Paladin Ability Score Improvement
- Paladin Ability Score Improvement 12th
- Paladin Ability Score Improvement 16th
- Paladin Ability Score Improvement 19th
- Paladin Ability Score Improvement 8th
- Paladin Channel Divinity
- Paladin Extra Attack
- Paladin Fighting Style
- Paladin Spellcasting
- Paladin Spells
- paladin.gif
- PaladinAdvancementTemplate
- Pale Tincture
- Panther
- paper.jpg
- Paralyzed
- Party Strength
- Pass Without Trace
- Passwall
- Path of the Berserker
- Patient Defense
- Pearl of Power
- Peerless Skill
- Pegasus
- per.gif
- Perfect Self
- Periapt of Health
- Periapt of Proof Against Poison
- Periapt of Wound Closure
- Persistent Rage
- Person
- Petrified
- Phantasmal Killer
- Phantom Steed
- Phase Spider
- Philter of Love
- Pipes of Haunting
- Pipes of the Sewers
- Pit Fiend
- Pixie Winged Boots
- Planar Ally
- Planar Binding
- Plane Shift
- Planetar
- Plant
- Plant Growth
- Plate Armor of Etherealness
- Player Tool
- Plesiosaurus
- Poison
- Poison Darts
- Poison Needle
- Poison Spray
- Poisoned
- Poisoner's Kit
- Poisonous Snake
- Polar Bear
- Poltergeist, Variant
- Polymorph
- Polymorph Table
- Pony
- Portable Hole
- portrait-fighter.gif
- portrait-wizard.gif
- Position of Privilege
- Potent Cantrip
- Potion of Acid Resistance
- Potion of Animal Friendship
- Potion of Clairvoyance
- Potion of Climbing
- Potion of Cloud Giant Strength
- Potion of Cold Resistance
- Potion of Diminution
- Potion of Fire Giant Strength
- Potion of Fire Resistance
- Potion of Flying
- Potion of Force Resistance
- Potion of Frost Giant Strength
- Potion of Gaseous Form
- Potion of Giant Strength
- Potion of Greater Healing
- Potion of Growth
- Potion of Healing
- Potion of Heroism
- Potion of Hill Giant Strength
- Potion of Invisibilty
- Potion of Lightning Resistance
- Potion of Mind Reading
- Potion of Necrotic Resistance
- Potion of Poison
- Potion of Poison Resistance
- Potion of Psychic Resistance
- Potion of Radiant Resistance
- Potion of Resistance
- Potion of Speed
- Potion of Stone Giant Strength
- Potion of Storm Giant Strength
- Potion of Superior Healing
- Potion of Supreme Healing
- Potion of Thunder Resistance
- Potion of Water Breathing
- Potter's Tools
- Power Word Kill
- Power Word Stun
- Prayer of Healing
- Preserve Life
- Prestidigitation
- Priest
- Priest's Pack
- Primal Champion
- Primal Path
- Primal Path 10th
- Primal Path 14th
- Primal Path 6th
- Primeval Awareness
- Prismatic Spray
- Prismatic Wall
- Private Sanctum
- Produce Flame
- ProficiencyBonus
- Programmed Illusion
- Project Image
- Project Ornate
- Prone
- Protection
- Protection from Energy
- Protection from Evil and Good
- Protection from Poison
- Pseudodragon
- Publication
- Purify Food and Drink
- Purity of Body
- Purity of Spirit
- Purple Worm
- Purple Worm Poison
- Quasit
- Quipper
- Quiver of the Centaurs
- Quivering Palm
- Race
- Race Macro
- RaceEditTemplate
- Rage
- Raise Dead
- Rakshasa
- Random Macro
- RandomViewTemplate
- Ranged Attack
- Ranger
- Ranger Ability Score Improvement
- Ranger Ability Score Improvement 12th
- Ranger Ability Score Improvement 16th
- Ranger Ability Score Improvement 19th
- Ranger Ability Score Improvement 8th
- Ranger Archetype
- Ranger Archetype 11th
- Ranger Archetype 15th
- Ranger Archetype 7th
- Ranger Extra Attack
- Ranger Fighting Style
- Ranger Land’s Stride
- Ranger Spellcasting
- Ranger Spells
- ranger.gif
- RangerAdvancementTemplate
- Rat
- Raven
- ravenloft.gif
- Raw Data
- Ray of Enfeeblement
- Ray of Frost
- Reach
- Reckless Attack
- Red Dragon Lair Action
- Red Dragon Regional Effect
- Red Dragon Wyrmling
- Reef Shark
- Reference
- Regenerate
- Reincarnate
- Relentless Endurance
- Relentless Hex
- Relentless Rage
- Reliable Talent
- Remarkable Athlete
- Remorhaz
- Remove Curse
- Repelling Blast
- Resilient Sphere
- Resistance
- Resting
- Restorative Ointment
- Restrained
- Resurrection
- Retaliation
- Reverse Gravity
- Revivify
- Reward
- Rhinoceros
- Riding Horse
- Ring of Acid Resistance
- Ring of Air Elemental Command
- Ring of Animal Influence
- Ring of Cold Resistance
- Ring of Djinni Summoning
- Ring of Earth Elemental Command
- Ring of Elemental Command
- Ring of Evasion
- Ring of Feather Falling
- Ring of Fire Elemental Command
- Ring of Fire Resistance
- Ring of Force Resistance
- Ring of Free Action
- Ring of Invisibility
- Ring of Jumping
- Ring of Lightning Resistance
- Ring of Mind Shielding
- Ring of Necrotic Resistance
- Ring of Poison Resistance
- Ring of Protection
- Ring of Regeneration
- Ring of Resistance
- Ring of Shooting Stars
- Ring of Spell Storing
- Ring of Spell Turning
- Ring of Swimming
- Ring of Telekinesis
- Ring of the Ram
- Ring of Three Wishes
- Ring of Thunder Resistance
- Ring of Warmth
- Ring of Water Elemental Command
- Ring of Water Walking
- Ring of X-Ray Vision
- Ritual Spells
- Robe of Eyes
- Robe of Scintillating Colors
- Robe of Stars
- Robe of the Archmagi
- Robe of Useful Items
- Roc
- Rock Gnome
- Rod of Absorption
- Rod of Alertness
- Rod of Lordly Might
- Rod of Rulership
- Rod of Security
- Rogue
- Rogue Ability Score Improvement
- Rogue Ability Score Improvement 10th
- Rogue Ability Score Improvement 12th
- Rogue Ability Score Improvement 16th
- Rogue Ability Score Improvement 19th
- Rogue Ability Score Improvement 8th
- Rogue Evasion
- Rogue Expertise
- Rogue Expertise 6th
- Rogue Uncanny Dodge
- rogue.gif
- RogueAdvancementTemplate
- Roguish Archetype
- Roguish Archetype 13th
- Roguish Archetype 17th
- Roguish Archetype 9th
- roll20.gif
- Rope of Climbing
- Rope of Entanglement
- Rope Trick
- Roper
- Rug of Smothering
- Rule
- RuleMenu
- Rust Monster
- Saber-toothed Tiger
- Sacred Flame
- Sacred Oath
- Sacred Oath 15th
- Sacred Oath 20th
- Sacred Oath 7th
- Sacred Weapon
- Sahuagin
- Salamander
- Sample Spellbook
- Sample Spellbook 1st
- Sample Spellbook 2nd
- Sample Spellbook 3rd
- Sample Spellbook Cantrip
- Sanctuary
- Satyr Pipes, Variant
- Satyr, Monster
- Savage Attacks
- Scarab of Protection
- Scholar's Pack
- School of Evocation
- Scimitar of Speed
- Scorching Ray
- Scorpion
- Scout, Monster
- Scrying
- Sculpt Spells
- Sculptor of Flesh
- Sea Hag
- Sea Horse
- Season 11
- Season 11 Between Adventures
- Season 11 Character Creation
- Season 11 During an Adventure
- Season 11 Ending an Adventure
- Season 11 Fai Chen
- Season 11 Magic Items
- Season 11 Service Award
- Second Wind
- Second-Story Work
- Secret Chest
- See Invisibility
- Seeming
- Sending
- Sequester
- Serpent Venom
- Setting
- Sewer Plague
- Shadow
- Shambling Mound
- Shapechange
- Shatter
- Shelter of the Faithful
- Shield
- Shield Guardian
- Shield of Faith
- Shield of Missile Attraction
- Shield, +1
- Shield, +2
- Shield, +3
- Shield, Magic Item
- Shillelagh
- Shillelagh Guide
- Shocking Grasp
- Short Rest
- Short-Term Madness
- Shove a Creature
- Shrieker
- Shroud of Shadow
- Sight Rot
- sigil.gif
- Sign of Ill Omen
- Signature Spells
- Silence
- Silent Image
- Silver Dragon Lair Action
- Silver Dragon Regional Effect
- Silver Dragon Wyrmling
- Simple Pit
- Simulacrum
- Siren’s Caress
- Skeleton
- Skill Versatility
- Sleep
- Sleet Storm
- Slippers of Spider Climbing
- Slippery Mind
- Slow
- Slow Fall
- Small Animated Objects
- Smith's Tools
- Sneak Attack
- Solar
- Soldier
- Song of Rest
- Song of Rest 13th
- Song of Rest 17th
- Song of Rest 9th
- Sorcerer
- Sorcerer Ability Score Improvement
- Sorcerer Ability Score Improvement 12th
- Sorcerer Ability Score Improvement 16th
- Sorcerer Ability Score Improvement 19th
- Sorcerer Ability Score Improvement 8th
- Sorcerer Cantrips
- Sorcerer Spellcasting
- Sorcerer Spells
- sorcerer.gif
- SorcererAdvancementTemplate
- Sorcerous Origin
- Sorcerous Origin 14th
- Sorcerous Origin 18th
- Sorcerous Origin 6th
- Sorcerous Restoration
- Sourcebook
- Sovereign Glue
- Spare the Dying
- Speak with Animals
- Speak with Dead
- Speak with Plants
- Special
- Specter
- Spell
- Spell Macros
- Spell Mastery
- Spell Scroll
- Spell Scroll Mishap
- Spell Scroll Table
- Spell Tool
- spell.gif
- Spellbook
- spellbook.gif
- SpellbookDisplay
- SpellEditTemplate
- Spellguard Shield
- SpellLowerViewTemplate
- SpellMenu
- Spells By Class
- Spells By Level
- Spells By Sourcebook
- SpellSlot1
- SpellSlot2
- SpellSlot3
- SpellSlot4
- SpellSlot5
- SpellSlot6
- SpellSlot7
- SpellSlot8
- SpellSlot9
- SpellSummaryRowTemplate
- SpellTableRowTemplate
- SpellUpperViewTemplate
- Sphere of Annihilation
- Spider
- Spider Climb
- Spike Growth
- Spiked Pit
- Spined Devil
- Spirit Guardians
- Spirit Naga
- Spiritual Weapon
- Sprite
- Sprite's Rescue
- Spy
- SRD Spell
- SRD Spell 1st
- SRD Spell 2nd
- SRD Spell 3rd
- SRD Spell 4th
- SRD Spell 5th
- SRD Spell 6th
- SRD Spell 7th
- SRD Spell 8th
- SRD Spell 9th
- SRD Spell Cantrip
- Staff of Charming
- Staff of Fire
- Staff of Frost
- Staff of Healing
- Staff of Power
- Staff of Striking
- Staff of Swarming Insects
- Staff of the Magi
- Staff of the Python
- Staff of the Woodlands
- Staff of Thunder and Lightning
- Staff of Withering
- Standard Exchange Rates
- Steam Mephit
- Step of the Wind
- Stillness of Mind
- Stinking Cloud
- Stirge
- Stone Giant
- Stone Golem
- Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals
- Stone of Good Luck
- Stone Shape
- Stonecunning
- Stoneskin
- Storm Giant
- Storm of Vengeance
- Stroke of Luck
- Stunned
- Stunning Strike
- Stylesheet
- Subtle Spell
- Succubus/Incubus
- Suffocating
- Suggestion
- Sun Blade
- Sunbeam
- Sunburst
- Superior Critical
- Superior Hunter’s Defense
- Superior Inspiration
- Supreme Healing
- Supreme Sneak
- Surprised
- Survivor
- Swamp Circle Spells
- Swarm of Bats
- Swarm of Beetles
- Swarm of Centipedes
- Swarm of Insects
- Swarm of Poisonous Snakes
- Swarm of Quippers
- Swarm of Rats
- Swarm of Ravens
- Swarm of Spiders
- Swarm of Wasps
- Swimming
- Sword of Life Stealing
- Sword of Sharpness
- Sword of Wounding
- sword-shield.gif
- Symbol
- TabHeaderTemplate
- TableRowTemplate
- Talisman of Pure Good
- Talisman of the Sphere
- Talisman of Ultimate Evil
- Tarrasque
- Telekinesis
- Telepathic Bond
- Teleport
- Teleportation Circle
- Template
- Test
- TestIcon
- TestMark
- TestSpell
- Thaumaturgy
- The Blink Dog's Guide to Transversing the Feywild
- The Night Queen's Eyes
- Thief
- Thief of Five Fates
- Thief’s Reflexes
- Thieves’ Cant
- Thieves' Tools
- Thirsting Blade
- Three-Quarters Cover
- Thrown
- Thug
- Thunderwave
- TiddlyWiki
- tiddlywiki.gif
- Tiefling
- Tiger
- Time Stop
- Timeless Body
- Tinker
- Tinker's Tools
- Tiny Animated Objects
- Tiny Hut
- Tip: Updating This Wiki
- token-fighter.gif
- token-wizard.gif
- Tomb of Levistus
- Tome of Clear Thought
- Tome of Leadership and Influence
- Tome of Understanding
- Tongue of the Sun and Moon
- Tongues
- Tool
- Tool Proficiency, Dwarf
- ToolMenu
- Torpor
- Total Cover
- Trance
- Tranquility
- Transport via Plants
- Trap
- Trap Damage Severity Table
- Trap Save DCs and Attack Bonuses Table
- Travel Pace
- Travel Pace Table
- Treant
- Tree Stride
- Tribal Warrior
- Triceratops
- Trickster's Escape
- Trident of Fish Command
- Trinket
- Troll
- True Polymorph
- True Resurrection
- True Seeing
- True Strike
- Truesight
- Truth Serum
- Turn the Unholy
- Turn Undead
- Twinned Spell
- Two-Handed
- Two-Weapon Attack
- Two-Weapon Fighting
- Tyrannosaurus Rex
- Unarmed Strike
- Unarmored Defense
- Unarmored Movement
- Unarmored Movement 10th
- Unarmored Movement 14th
- Unarmored Movement 18th
- Unarmored Movement 6th
- Unarmored Movement Improvement
- Unconscious
- Undead
- Underdark Circle Spells
- Underwater
- Underwater Combat
- Undying Servitude
- Unicorn
- Universal Solvent
- Unseen Attackers and Targets
- Unseen Servant
- Use Magic Device
- Vampire
- Vampire Spawn
- Vampire Spellcasters, Variant
- Vampire Warriors, Variant
- Vampiric Touch
- Vanish
- Versatile
- Veteran
- Vicious Mockery
- Vicious Weapon
- Violet Fungus
- Vision
- Visions of Distant Realms
- Voice of the Chain Master
- Vorpal Sword
- Vrock
- Vulture
- Walking
- Wall of Fire
- Wall of Force
- Wall of Ice
- Wall of Stone
- Wall of Thorns
- Wand of Binding
- Wand of Enemy Detection
- Wand of Fear
- Wand of Fireballs
- Wand of Lightning Bolts
- Wand of Magic Detection
- Wand of Magic Missiles
- Wand of Paralysis
- Wand of Polymorph
- Wand of Secrets
- Wand of the War Mage
- Wand of the War Mage, +1
- Wand of the War Mage, +2
- Wand of the War Mage, +3
- Wand of Web
- Wand of Wonder
- Warding Bond
- Warhorse
- Warhorse Armor, Variant
- Warhorse Skeleton
- Warlock
- Warlock Ability Score Improvement
- Warlock Ability Score Improvement 12th
- Warlock Ability Score Improvement 16th
- Warlock Ability Score Improvement 19th
- Warlock Ability Score Improvement 8th
- Warlock Cantrips
- Warlock Spells
- warlock.gif
- WarlockAdvancementTemplate
- Water Breathing
- Water Elemental
- Water Walk
- Way of the Open Hand
- Weapon
- Weapon, +1
- Weapon, +2
- Weapon, +3
- Weapon, Magic Item
- Weasel
- Weather
- Weaver's Tools
- Web
- Weird
- Well of Many Worlds
- Werebear
- Wereboar
- Wererat
- Weretiger
- Werewolf
- Whispers of the Grave
- White Dragon Lair Action
- White Dragon Regional Effect
- White Dragon Wyrmling
- Wholeness of Body
- Widget
- Wight
- Wild Magic Surge Table
- Wild Shape
- Wild Shape Improvement
- Wild Shape Improvement 8th
- Wildmane's Shoes
- Will-O'-Wisp
- Wind Fan
- Wind Walk
- Wind Wall
- Winged Boots
- Wings of Flying
- Winter Wolf
- Winter's Splendor
- Winter's Splendor - After the Imp Attack
- Winter's Splendor - Aria Cavatina
- Winter's Splendor - Aria Cavatina's Performance
- Winter's Splendor - Background
- Winter's Splendor - Breaking the Ice
- Winter's Splendor - Danse Macabre
- Winter's Splendor - Determining Party Strength
- Winter's Splendor - DM
- Winter's Splendor - Elzerina Cassalanter
- Winter's Splendor - Entering the Villa
- Winter's Splendor - Esvele Rosznar
- Winter's Splendor - Exploring Cassalanter Villa
- Winter's Splendor - Floon Blagmar
- Winter's Splendor - Gift of Golden Wings
- Winter's Splendor - Hyustus Staget
- Winter's Splendor - Image
- Winter's Splendor - Impish Tendencies
- Winter's Splendor - Join Us In Song
- Winter's Splendor - Laiba Rosse
- Winter's Splendor - Lockdown in the Villa
- Winter's Splendor - More Questions Than Answers
- Winter's Splendor - NPC
- Winter's Splendor - Questioning the Guests
- Winter's Splendor - Respect of the City Watch
- Winter's Splendor - Scorn of the City Watch
- Winter's Splendor - Silent Night, Devil's Light
- Winter's Splendor - Solving the Puzzle
- Winter's Splendor - Staff
- Winter's Splendor - Terenzio Cassalanter
- Winter's Splendor - The Midwinter Market
- Winter's Splendor - The Wooden Girl
- Winter's Splendor - Victoro and Ammalia Cassalanter
- Winter's Splendor - Voice of an Angel
- Winter's Splendor - Where There's Smoke
- Wish
- Witch Sight
- Wizard
- Wizard Ability Score Improvement
- Wizard Ability Score Improvement 12th
- Wizard Ability Score Improvement 16th
- Wizard Ability Score Improvement 19th
- Wizard Ability Score Improvement 8th
- Wizard Cantrips
- Wizard Spellcasting
- Wizard Spells
- wizard.gif
- WizardAdvancementTemplate
- Wolf
- Woodcarver's Tools
- Word of Recall
- Worg
- Wraith
- Wyvern
- Wyvern Poison
- Xorn
- Young Black Dragon
- Young Blue Dragon
- Young Brass Dragon
- Young Bronze Dragon
- Young Copper Dragon
- Young Gold Dragon
- Young Green Dragon
- Young Red Dragon
- Young Silver Dragon
- Young White Dragon
- Zombie
- Zone of Truth